Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tech tool

To be honest, the best tech tool I used in the classroom this year were the IPods borrowed from the district. Sounds silly, but at any one time, specifically after 3rd quarter started I was teaching two classes and running two major outside projects. These IPods were a godsend because I could keep all these students working on multiple projects but, still under my supervision at one time. The tech team was able to put together a broken set to loan me for an extended period of time.

During the 2012-2013 school year I taught two 7th grade subjects-History and Science. I also guided the nutrition group (mentioned in the last blog) and decided to jump in, feet first, into National History Day. For the two classes I taught I offered differentiated instruction such as timelines and the Mock Trial which are heavy in research. For National History Day I had students from all four teams flexing into and out of my classroom. It was so much easier to keep them with me in the class or close by in our team room then to let them travel to the library toward distraction. Our nutrition group also used the iPods daily, for their research. I would love to have a class set to use everyday.


Kathy Liebenguth said...

I have never used iPods as a classsroom instructional tool. I have read in the Technie Notes or whatever the newsletter is called about teachers who do. It is good to know that it works for those who have tried it.

Kathy Liebenguth

Amy Smith said...

Super cool. I've not used them as they aren't really readily available, but I've thought about it. Here's hoping we have more access to stuff like this in the future.